Timberlake Yearbook
The mission of the Yearbook Staff is to work together to create a yearbook with integrity that captures the essence of our school community, students, staff, events, and memories of each school year so that we can look back and remember the good times at Timberlake for years to come.
Don't forget to order your 2024-2025 Timberlake Tiger Yearbook! Order 24-25 Yearbook Here by following the link, or pay by check or cash at either building site. The Yearbook Staff has been working hard to publish the best Timberlake Yearbook yet!
If you would like to purchase a business ad for the yearbook, please contact Mrs. Gaff at agaff@tlake.k12.ok.us. See ad order form at the bottom of this page.
You can also follow us at our Facebook page, Timberlake Student Council and Yearbook, or follow us on Instagram--timberlakeyearbook.
Meet the 2024-2025 Yearbook Staff
Marlee Pecha, Autumn May, Caleb Barney, Madison Gustus, Caedyn Campbell, Gracie Diller, Paige Redman, Paisley Shepherd, and Mrs. Gaff.

Marlee Pecha

Autumn May

Caleb Wear

Madison Gustus

Caedyn Campbell

Gracie Diller

Paige Redman

Paisley Shepherd