Order of events for the 5th-6th and JH track meet at Cherokee today. Go Tigers!
over 1 year ago, Tricia Dayton
ES Track
Congratulations to the Lady Tigers slowpitch team for winning their District Tournament! They will advance to Regionals this upcoming week!
over 1 year ago, Tricia Dayton
District SP
Sign-ups for Drivers Ed are on-going. The last day to sign up is April 27. There is a $50 deposit due to secure your spot and another $50 due the first day of class.
over 1 year ago, Debbie Crissup
District Slowpitch softball will be hosted at Jet on Thursday, April 20th. Games will start at 12:00. With games starting during the school day, we will not be allowing vehicles to park along the south fence line unless you are handicapped. You will need to have a handicap placard visible in your vehicle to access handicap parking. General parking will be available at the football field south of the field, on the east side of the school and along the street north of the field. Admission gates will be located to the north of the 1st base dugout and to the east of the storm shelter. Admission is $5.00 cash for Kindergarten - Adults. You will not purchase tickets on GoFan. There will be a concession stand available.
over 1 year ago, Tricia Dayton
SP Districts
Order of events for JH/HS track meet at DCLA on Tuesday, April 18th.
over 1 year ago, Tricia Dayton
ATTN: Senior Parents--If you are wanting to purchase a Senior Ad for your Senior in the yearbook, the deadline is April 14. I will extend that deadline to April 20. You should have received that information in the mail. Please get those to Mrs. Crissup as soon as possible.
almost 2 years ago, Debbie Crissup
Order of events for the Ringwood 8-man track meet.
almost 2 years ago, Tricia Dayton
Ringwood HS
Good luck to the Tigers baseball team as they travel to Lomega on Thursday, April 20th for district play. Go Tigers!
almost 2 years ago, Tricia Dayton
Basebalm Districts
The Lady Tigers slow pitch team will be hosting a Class B District Tournament on Thursday, April 20th in Jet. Games will begin at 12:00 that day. Go Lady Tigers!
almost 2 years ago, Tricia Dayton
District SP
5/6 track meet order of events at Pond Creek today.
almost 2 years ago, Tricia Dayton
The JH slowpitch game on Tuesday, April 11th vs Pioneer has been cancelled. HS will begin at 5:30 in Jet.
almost 2 years ago, Tricia Dayton
5/6th Order of Events for Ringwood track meet on Wednesday, April 5th.
almost 2 years ago, Tricia Dayton
Congratulations to our elementary Star Students for the month of March! Kindergarten - Rhett Murphey, 1st grade - Charlotte Bocox, 2nd grade - Easton Foster & Jacob Shreeve, 3rd grade - Jo Miller, 4th grade - Camden Neilson, 5th grade - Maddie Hollenbeck, and 6th grade - Lauren Doughty. Also a huge thank you to our Star Student sponsors Enid Axe and Sonic of Cherokee!
almost 2 years ago, Tricia Dayton
The JH Baseball Game today at Lomega will begin at 4:30 with two games being played.
almost 2 years ago, Debbie Crissup
JH Baseball tournament bracket for the Chisholm tournament April 13-15. Go Tigers!
almost 2 years ago, Tricia Dayton
Updated schedule for JH games at the Pioneer Baseball tournament April 6-8.
almost 2 years ago, Tricia Dayton
The JH/HS softball game on Tuesday vs Hillsdale Christian will begin at 4:00 instead of 4:30.
almost 2 years ago, Tricia Dayton
HS baseball will play Garber at 4:30 tomorrow, Monday, April 3rd at Helena and JH will follow.
almost 2 years ago, Tricia Dayton
JH Baseball Tournament Update: Both of Timberlake’s opponents this afternoon have decided not to travel due to the high winds. Timberlake will not be playing at the scheduled times of 3:15 and 6:30. They will play at 4:00pm on Saturday.
almost 2 years ago, Tricia Dayton
The Timberlake Yearbook Staff will be taking individual/couple photos at the Prom on Saturday night. See price list below.
almost 2 years ago, Debbie Crissup
Prom Picture Order Form